In order to help assist families with their child's education we also offer testing services for students.
PSAT & Residual ACT
The PSAT is the preliminary SAT. The PSAT is the qualifying test for National Merit Scholar, but the student must be in Eleventh Grade to qualify for the test. Students in Ninth & Tenth Grade may choose to take it for practice, but they are not part of the NMSQT (National Merit) program until they are juniors.
Students in the 9th, 10th and 11th grade are being offered Residual ACT tests to take as practice.
Every college in the country accepts either SAT or ACT as required testing for admission. We suggest students take both the PSAT and the Residual ACT to determine on which test they perform better; so they may focus their energy on preparing for either the SAT or ACT.
The ITBS/CogAT tests are offered to students in 6th - 8th grades.
The Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) provides valid and reliable data needed for objective measurement of student achievement. Parents receive data to evaluate progress toward meeting consistent grade level expectations across the nation.
The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is a multiple-choice test used to measure cognitive development among children. The cognitive ability test is another name for aptitude or intelligence tests.
The CogAT scores can also be used in conjunction with the ITBS achievement scores in order to determine if a student is achieving on, below or above their ability level.
Math & Reading Diagnostic Tests
Students in grades 6-12 can take the online math and online reading iReady Diagnostic tests through PCA Online to assess their knowledge and skills.